RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Les femmes des monts Mandara dans L’economie informelle À YaoundÉ JF African Economic History JO Afr Eco His FD University of Wisconsin Press SP 116 OP 135 DO 10.3368/aeh.47.1.116 VO 47 IS 1 A1 DIYE, JEREMIE YR 2020 UL https://aeh.uwpress.org/aeh.uwpress.org/content/47/1/116.abstract AB The search for employment and better living conditions have prompted many Cameroonian nationals to settle in the city of Yaoundé. The small trades that were initially able to satisfy the needs of a family are not today, because the number of people to be taken care of has considerably increased as well as the needs. It is in this perspective that the highlander women from the northern part of the country formerly satisfied with the domestic tasks are famous by their dynamisms in the small trades sector to work together with their husbands and look after their families. Women, given their contributions, are increasingly free to conduct their activities. This work studies the contribution of women to the development of society. The first step is to show the factors that led women to invest in income-generating activities, then to give a synoptic description of these activities and finally to analyze their contribution in the society. This study focuses more on oral sources and observation in addition to written and iconographic sources.