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- You have accessRestricted accessBack MatterAfrican Economic History, November 2018, 46 (2) 0460001_2;
- You have accessRestricted accessProvisioning The Slave TradeThe Supply of Corn on the Seventeenth-Century Gold CoastROBIN LAWAfrican Economic History, November 2018, 46 (1) 1-35; DOI: LAWRobin Law is Emeritus Professor of African History at the University of Stirling, Scotland; a Fellow of the British Academy and of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; author/editor of several volumes on precolonial West African history, including The Slave Coast of West Africa 1550–1750 (1991), From Slave Trade to “Legitimate” Commerce: The commercial transition in nineteenth-century West Africa (1995), and Ouidah: The social history of a West African slaving “port,” 1727–1892 (2004); and a former Editor of the Journal of African History. E-mail: .
- You have accessRestricted accessBack MatterAfrican Economic History, November 2018, 46 (1) 0460001_2;
- You have accessRestricted accessThe European and Eurafrican Population of the Danish Forts on the Eighteen-Century Gold CoastHOLGER WEISSAfrican Economic History, November 2018, 46 (1) 36-68; DOI: WEISSHolger Weiss () is professor in general history at Åbo Akademi University, Finland and guest professor in history at Dalarna University, Sweden. His research focuses on Global and Atlantic history, West African environmental history, and Islamic Studies (with a special focus on Islam in Ghana). His latest publications are Framing a Radical African Atlantic: African American Agency, West African Intellectuals and the International Trade Union of Negro Workers (Leiden: Brill 2014), (ed.) Ports of Globalisation, Places of Creolisation: Nordic Possessions in the Atlantic World during the Era of the Slave Trade (Leiden: Brill 2015), Slavhandel och slaveri under svensk flagg: Koloniala drömmar och verklighet i Afrika och Karibien 1770–1847 (Helsingfors: Svenska Litteratursällskapet i Finland, 2016), and (ed.) International Communism and Transnational Solidarity: Radical Networks, Mass Movements and Global Politics, 1919–1939 (Leiden: Brill 2017).
- Open AccessSmallholders and Machines in the West African Palm Oil Industry, 1850–1950JONATHAN E. ROBINSAfrican Economic History, November 2018, 46 (1) 69-103; DOI: E. ROBINSJonathan Robins () is Assistant Professor of History at Michigan Technological University. His first book, Cotton and Race across the Atlantic, was published by the University of Rochester Press in 2016. He is currently working on a global history of the oil palm industry.
- You have accessRestricted accessControversy, Facts and AssumptionsLessons from Estimating Long Term Growth in Nigeria, 1900–2007MORTEN JERVENAfrican Economic History, November 2018, 46 (1) 104-136; DOI: JERVENMorten Jerven is the Chair of Africa and International Development at the Centre of African Studies at University of Edinburgh, and adjunct professor at Lund University and at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
- You have accessRestricted accessFront MatterAfrican Economic History, November 2018, 46 (1) 0460001_1;
- You have accessRestricted accessAmerican Rum, African Consumers, and The Transatlantic Slave TradeSEAN M. KELLEYAfrican Economic History, November 2018, 46 (2) 1-29; DOI: M. KELLEYSean M. Kelley () is Senior Lecturer in History at the University of Essex, specializing in the history of the transatlantic slave trade and the African Diaspora.
- You have accessRestricted accessYankees in Indian Ocean AfricanMadagascar and Nineteenth-Century American CommerceJANE HOOPERAfrican Economic History, November 2018, 46 (2) 30-62; DOI: HOOPERJane Hooper () is an associate professor in the Department of History and Art History at George Mason University. Her first book, Feeding Globalization: Madagascar and the Provisioning Trade, 1600–1800, was published in the Indian Ocean studies series by Ohio University Press in 2017.
- You have accessRestricted access“Intimate Knowledge of the Country”Factionalism in the Mid-Nineteenth-Century Gold Coast AdministrationKOFI TAKYI ASANTEAfrican Economic History, November 2018, 46 (2) 63-92; DOI: TAKYI ASANTEKofi Takyi Asante () is a research fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse (IAST). He obtained a doctorate in Sociology from Northwestern University, where he wrote a dissertation on African initiatives in colonial state formation. His research interests include historical sociology, sociology of the state, and citizenship.