Table of Contents
November 01, 2023; Volume 51,Issue 2
- You have accessRestricted access“In Native Areas, Stores Have a Big Influence on the People”Trading Sites and the Reorganization of African Agriculture, Colonial Zimbabwe, 1945–1955Tawanda Valentine ChambweAfrican Economic History, November 2023, 51 (2) 1-23; DOI: Valentine ChambweTawanda Valentine Chambwe ([email protected]) is a Research Associate of the International Studies Group at the University of the Free State in South Africa where he obtained his PhD in 2020. He also teaches History in the Department of History, Heritage and International Studies at the Midlands State University in Zimbabwe. His work centers on the colonial and post-colonial histories of African entrepreneurship, informality, and human economies.
- You have accessRestricted access“To Serve Administrative Purposes and Native Interests?”Road Infrastructural Investment in African Reserves in Colonial Zimbabwe, 1924–1948Clement Masakure and Eric Kushinga MakombeAfrican Economic History, November 2023, 51 (2) 24-51; DOI: MasakureClement Masakure ([email protected]) is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of History at the University of the Free State, South Africa.Eric Kushinga MakombeEric Kushinga Makombe ([email protected]) is a Research Fellow in the History Department at the University of the Free State and a Senior Lecturer in the Department of History, Heritage and Knowledge Systems at the University of Zimbabwe. His broad research interests are in urban history, agrarian and development studies, human economy and sustainability, rural-urban linkages and rural development, and more recently climate change. Some of his articles have appeared in Global Environment and the Journal of Developing Societies.
- You have accessRestricted accessNkrumah’s “Industrial Middlemen”Sindhis and Ghana’s Postcolonial Industrial Drive, 1951–1966Tracy MensahAfrican Economic History, November 2023, 51 (2) 52-78; DOI: MensahTracy Mensah ([email protected]) is an Assistant Professor of African History at Western Carolina University.
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Political Economy of Postwar Southern RhodesiaThe 1949 Tobacco Tax CrisisSibanengi Ncube and Honest E. KokeAfrican Economic History, November 2023, 51 (2) 79-101; DOI: NcubeSibanengi Ncube ([email protected]) is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the International Studies Group, University of the Free State in South Africa, with research interests in commodity histories in southern Africa and global production networks.Honest E. KokeHonest E. Koke ([email protected]) is a Research Associate at the University of the Free State, International Studies Group (ISG) Department. He researches fiscal and financial histories of Southern Africa.
- You have accessRestricted accessLamibe Musulmans, missionnaires Chretiens et administrateurs coloniaux face a l’esclavageLes prescriptions legales a l’epreuve des pratiques locales dans l’Adamaoua (nord-Cameroun), XIXe–XXe sieclesAhmadou SehouAfrican Economic History, November 2023, 51 (2) 102-130; DOI: SehouAhmadou Sehou ([email protected]) est enseignant-chercheur en histoire politique et sociale à l’Université de Maroua (Cameroun).