Index by author
November 16, 2021; Volume 49,Issue 1
Unraveling Aspects of African Economic History: Essays in Honor of Paul E. Lovejoy
- You have accessRestricted accessSlavery, Remembrance, and Sites of Historical MemoryThe Case of BadagryEDMUND ABAKA and GEORGE XORSE KUMASENUAfrican Economic History, November 2021, 49 (1) 104-126; DOI: ABAKAEdmund Abaka (), Associate Professor of History and International Studies, University of MiamiGEORGE XORSE KUMASENUGeorge Xorse Kumasenu (), graduate student, University of Cape Coast.
Candido, MARIANA P.
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Status of Enslaved Women in West Central Africa, 1800–1830MARIANA P. CANDIDO and VANESSA S. OLIVEIRAAfrican Economic History, November 2021, 49 (1) 127-153; DOI: P. CANDIDOMariana P. Candido (), Associate Professor, Department of History, Emory UniversityVANESSA S. OLIVEIRAVanessa S. Oliveira (), Assistant Professor, History Department, Royal Military College of Canada.
Falola, TOYIN
- You have accessRestricted accessIntroductionMOHAMMED BASHIR SALAU and TOYIN FALOLAAfrican Economic History, November 2021, 49 (1) 1-14; DOI: BASHIR SALAUMohammed Bashir Salau (), Professor, University of MississippiTOYIN FALOLAToyin Falola (), Professor and Jacob and Frances Sanger Mossiker Chair in the Humanities, University of Texas at Austin.
- You have accessRestricted accessSlavery, Remembrance, and Sites of Historical MemoryThe Case of BadagryEDMUND ABAKA and GEORGE XORSE KUMASENUAfrican Economic History, November 2021, 49 (1) 104-126; DOI: ABAKAEdmund Abaka (), Associate Professor of History and International Studies, University of MiamiGEORGE XORSE KUMASENUGeorge Xorse Kumasenu (), graduate student, University of Cape Coast.
Mcdougall, E. ANN
- You have accessRestricted accessClass and Credit in a Regional Salt Economy: “The Story of My Father.”Tishit and the Desert Salt Trade, Mauritania-MaliE. ANN MCDOUGALLAfrican Economic History, November 2021, 49 (1) 192-221; DOI: ANN MCDOUGALLE. Ann McDougall (), Professor of History, University of Alberta.
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Yoruba Church Missionary Society Slavery Conference 1880OLATUNJI OJOAfrican Economic History, November 2021, 49 (1) 73-103; DOI: OJOOlatunji Ojo (), Associate Professor, Brock University.
Oliveira, VANESSA S.
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Status of Enslaved Women in West Central Africa, 1800–1830MARIANA P. CANDIDO and VANESSA S. OLIVEIRAAfrican Economic History, November 2021, 49 (1) 127-153; DOI: P. CANDIDOMariana P. Candido (), Associate Professor, Department of History, Emory UniversityVANESSA S. OLIVEIRAVanessa S. Oliveira (), Assistant Professor, History Department, Royal Military College of Canada.
Roberts, RICHARD
- You have accessRestricted accessSlavery, the End of Slavery, and the Intensification of Work in the French Soudan, 1883–1912RICHARD ROBERTSAfrican Economic History, November 2021, 49 (1) 47-72; DOI: ROBERTSRichard Roberts (), Frances and Charles Field Professor of History, Stanford University.
- You have accessRestricted accessPromises and Pitfalls of Global ComparisonsSlavery in West African Political CulturesBENEDETTA ROSSIAfrican Economic History, November 2021, 49 (1) 15-46; DOI: ROSSIBenedetta Rossi (), Associate Professor, African History and Anthropology, University College London (UCL).
- You have accessRestricted accessIntroductionMOHAMMED BASHIR SALAU and TOYIN FALOLAAfrican Economic History, November 2021, 49 (1) 1-14; DOI: BASHIR SALAUMohammed Bashir Salau (), Professor, University of MississippiTOYIN FALOLAToyin Falola (), Professor and Jacob and Frances Sanger Mossiker Chair in the Humanities, University of Texas at Austin.
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Sahara and North Africa in the Nineteenth CenturyThe Views of Dorugu Kwage Adamu and Nicholas SaidMOHAMMED BASHIR SALAUAfrican Economic History, November 2021, 49 (1) 154-172; DOI: BASHIR SALAUMohammed Bashir Salau (), Professor of History, University of Mississippi.