Table of Contents
January 03, 2020; Volume 47,Issue 1
Front Matter
- You have accessRestricted accessFront MatterAfrican Economic History, January 2020, 47 (1) 0470001_1;
- You have accessRestricted accessCocoa Marketing Board and the Sustainable Cocoa Economy in Colonial NigeriaOLISA GODSON MUOJAMAAfrican Economic History, January 2020, 47 (1) 1-31; DOI: GODSON MUOJAMAOlisa G. Muojama () is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of History at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. He is a Fellow of the African Humanities Program (AHP) of the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS), and a Laureate of the Democratic Governance Institute of the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA). He is the author of The Nigerian Cocoa Industry and the International Economy in the 1930s: A World-Systems Approach (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018). He co-edited The Dynamics of Inter-group Relations in Nigeria since 1960 (2012). He has also published works in specialist journals, including Journal of the Historical Society of Nigeria, Global Journal of Human-Social Sciences-A, and International Journal of Arts and Humanities, among others.
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Politics of African Freehold Land Ownership in Early Colonial Zimbabwe, 1890–1930JOSEPH MUJERE and ADMIRE MSEBAAfrican Economic History, January 2020, 47 (1) 32-53; DOI: MUJEREJoseph Mujere (), History Department, University of Zimbabwe; and Research Associate, SWOP, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South AfricaADMIRE MSEBAAdmire Mseba (), Assistant Professor, Department of Black Studies and Department of History, University of Missouri–Columbia; and Research Fellow, International Studies Group, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa
- You have accessRestricted accessTowards Banking Inclusion?The Post Office Savings Bank (POSB) in Southern Rhodesia, 1905–1945TAPIWA MADIMU and ENOCENT MSINDOAfrican Economic History, January 2020, 47 (1) 54-91; DOI: MADIMUTapiwa Madimu (), Rhodes UniversityENOCENT MSINDOEnocent Msindo (), Rhodes University
- You have accessRestricted accessSettler Colonialism and Trade in the PeripheryCustoms Relations Between Southern Rhodesia and South Africa, 1924–1935ABRAHAM MLOMBOAfrican Economic History, January 2020, 47 (1) 92-115; DOI: MLOMBOAbraham Mlombo () is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of the Free State, South Africa where he obtained his PhD in June 2017. His area of interest is Southern African history, covering economic, political and settler history.
- You have accessRestricted accessLes femmes des monts Mandara dans L’economie informelle À YaoundÉJEREMIE DIYEAfrican Economic History, January 2020, 47 (1) 116-135; DOI: DIYEJeremie Diye (), Enseignant/Chercheur, Université de Yaoundé I (Cameroun). B.P. : 755 FALSH/Département d’Histoire.
Back Matter
- You have accessRestricted accessBack MatterAfrican Economic History, January 2020, 47 (1) 0470001_2;